Our next meeting is this Thursday, August 10th at 7:30 at the Hope Methodist Church (5101 S Dayton Street, Greenwood Village). All residents are welcome.
The new changes for the proposed covenants should be to you next week for your review and your vote. The board, attorneys and numerous residents have been working to collaborate on changes that would not only make all the fillings in the neighborhood the same, but also, remove old language so as to update and clarify documents that are forty years old. Please make sure to read the letter that accompanies the document to give you a summary of the past few months and changes.
You can preview the proposed document and the letter on the website (www.ccvshoa.com). Your ballot for voting is in the mail with the hard copy of the document and letter.
Second, please see below for what is happening again close to our neighborhood and look for updates to come:
Once again, Richmond Homes is proposing to build over 200 attached
town-homes (aka row houses & terraces) on a 22 acre parcel of land directly below and south of PeakView
Park. This proposal was defeated last winter and if now approved, will put an
unrealistic demand on the Park and an eyesore to all who currently utilize the
park. Additionally as this land is in Centennial, we believe owners of
these new units will pay nothing in taxes to maintain/enhance the park and I
would like to get Parks & Recreation to weigh in on this.
The meeting and vote next Wednesday, August 9th @ 6:00 PM
Centennial Civic Center - Council Chambers
13133 E. Arapahoe Road, Centennial, CO. 80112,
and is for Planning Board approval and then the
City Council is to vote on Sept. 5th @ 7:00 PM. The developer is asking
for a Airport Influence Variance Request , and the fact that this parcel
is in the Airport Influence zone is what doomed it previously
with the City Council as Centennial Airport is not in favor of a
residential use here.
Cherry Creek Vista South HOA board