Welcome to the Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Website!

This is the Cherry Creek Vista South BLOG site (Cherry Creek Vista South Website is at http://ccvshoa.com)
provided by the Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner's Association. This Blog site is set up to provide information to the neighborhood pertaining to community events, meetings and general information. Please feel free to contact us with your neighborhood events, announcements, links, etc. that you would like to have listed here or placed on the Calendar. We appreciate your support!

UPDATES: On the main page, you will find a list of updates to keep everyone informed about what is going on. The updates are tagged with labels so that you can sort them accordingly. Feel free to add comments to any update. You can also use the icons below an update to email a friend or feed your own pages. You can also subscribe to our updates to receive notifications when updates are added or modified.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Cherry Creek South Residents,

Our next meeting is this Thursday, August 10th at 7:30 at the Hope Methodist Church (5101 S Dayton Street, Greenwood Village).  All residents are welcome.

The new changes for the proposed covenants should be to you next week for your review and your vote.  The board, attorneys and numerous residents have been working to collaborate on changes that would not only make all the fillings in the neighborhood the same, but also, remove old language so as to update and clarify documents that are forty years old.  Please make sure to read the letter that accompanies the document to give you a summary of the past few months and changes.

You can preview the proposed document and the letter on the website (www.ccvshoa.com).  Your ballot for voting is in the mail with the hard copy of the document and letter.

Second, please see below for what is happening again close to our neighborhood and look for updates to come:

Once again, Richmond Homes is proposing to build over 200 attached town-homes (aka row houses & terraces) on a 22 acre parcel of land directly below and south of PeakView Park. This proposal was defeated last winter and if now approved, will put an unrealistic demand on the Park and an eyesore to all who currently utilize the park.  Additionally as this land is in Centennial, we believe owners of these new units will pay nothing in taxes to maintain/enhance the park and I would like to get Parks & Recreation to weigh in on this. 
The meeting and vote next Wednesday, August 9th @ 6:00 PM
                                           Centennial Civic Center - Council Chambers
                                           13133 E. Arapahoe Road, Centennial, CO.  80112,  

and is for Planning Board approval and then the City Council is to vote on Sept. 5th @ 7:00 PM.  The developer is asking for a Airport Influence Variance Request , and the fact that this parcel is in the Airport Influence zone is what doomed it previously with the City Council as Centennial Airport is not in favor of a residential use here. 

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA board 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Cherry Creek Vista South Residents,

Our next meeting for the HOA will be this Thursday, July 13th at 7:30 pm at the Sundance Sailfish Room, 5626 S Galena Street, Greenwood Village.

Our main topic will be the new proposed covenants that will be mailed out to each resident this month.  You can find a red-lined copy on the website at www.ccvshoa.com - under the tab of covenants (scroll down to the bottom of the page).  We will also be discussing the Rules and Regulations to be considered.  We welcome feedback on the propositions prior to mailing to residents and have been making many changes to reflect previous feedback from residents these past few months as can be seen on the red-lined document.

If you have any questions or comments, please come to the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Board

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dear Residents of Cherry Creek Vista South,

We will be meeting again this Thursday, June 8th at 7:30 at the Sundance Rec House, 5626 S Galena Street, Greenwood Village.  This meeting will be the last opportunity to comment on the proposed changes for the neighborhood Covenants that will be voted on later this summer.  

We have had many residents send in feedback and comments through previous meetings and emails.  If you have not had the opportunity to review the proposed covenants, you can go to the HOA website at www.ccvshoa.com  and go to the tab that says "Covenants" and scroll to the bottom of the page or use this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6t5rh1-CDjQOXJoWHpyY2Y2SXc/view

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA

Monday, April 17, 2017

Dear Residents of Cherry Creek Vista South,


As you know, the Board has postponed the vote on the covenants until late summer. We felt it was very important to consider the feedback we received after the documents and ballots were mailed. We believe the covenants should be as palatable and manageable for residents, while still protecting the appearance of the neighborhood for years to come.

We had a huge turnout at last night’s meeting. We walked through the recommended changes made by residents. The proposed edits are now available on the HOA website atwww.ccvshoa.com or by using the link below. We made significant changes to the architectural review, removed the ability to foreclose on homes, and set the dues amount and max dues increase in the documents. Link to redline document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6t5rh1-CDjQOXJoWHpyY2Y2SXc/view

 Over the next few months, we will continue to make edits, based on your feedback, to ensure the covenants are acceptable and appropriate for our neighborhood.

Once finalized, the amended documents will be mailed out with a new ballot.

 Feel free to review and email comments / suggestions to ccvistasouthhoa@gmail.com. Please consider attending our next meeting on May 11th at 7:30p at High Plains Elementary.
Lastly, for all the were able to attend either the Spring Egg Hunt and/or the Shredding event this last Saturday, thank you for coming!  We hope it was fun (hunt) or beneficial (document shred). 
Cherry Creek Vista South HOA

Friday, April 7, 2017

Hello Cherry Creek Vista South Neighbors,

Just a reminder about some upcoming neighborhood events for April for Cherry Creek Vista South residents.

HOA Meeting:  Thursday, April 13th 7:30 pm - at High Plains Elementary   

Children’s Spring Egg Hunt:  Saturday, April 15th 10:00 am – at Peakview Park (bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with wrapped candy inside for each child you bring to participate).

Shred Your Documents:  Saturday, April 15th 12:00p to 2:00p – Paper Shredding Event at Peakview Park. 

Data-Destruction (data-destruction.com)
Safely shred:
  • ·         Financial documents
  • ·         Personal and confidential information
  • ·         Receipts and checks
  • ·         Company information
  • ·         Policies and reports
  • ·         Tax documents
  • ·         All paper needing to be recycled

No need to worry about sorting or removing paper clips or binding. Our mobile shredder can handle all types of documents, folders, and paper.
Please be aware that paper documents, and only paper documents, can be brought for shredding.  All documents will be shredded immediately on-site. 
Note:  there will only be one paper shred truck available for this event. 
Thanks and hope you can attend!

Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner’s Association

Monday, March 27, 2017

March 20, 2017


Dear Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner,

We had a great turnout at our March meeting to discuss the proposed covenant revisions.  Many neighbors expressed their desire to have a further voice on the substance of the covenants.  In an effort to accommodate these residents and ensure that the final documents help improve the neighborhood without being overly burdensome, the Board has agreed to move the vote to August and open the documents up for further comment.  

All residents are welcome to email suggestions to us at ccvistasouthhoa@gmail.com or come to our April 13 meeting at High Plains Elementary at 7:30 p.m.  The Board and I believe updating our covenants is essential for protecting our property value and maintaining our competitive place in the local market.  Thank you for your support.



Ryan Sarni

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Board President

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Dear Residents of Cherry Creek Vista South, 

The Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner’s Association has mailed out informational packets to each home owner. These packets include a copy of the proposed revised covenants and ballot for home owners to vote for these revised covenants. 

The packet also includes a letter from the HOA board president, Ryan Sarni, explaining why voting to approve these covenants is so important. Every vote counts so be sure to return your ballot! You can contact the HOA at CherryCreekVistaSouthHOA@gmail.com  if you have any questions and/or attend the HOA meeting at High Plains Elementary at 7:30p on March 16th and a second meeting on April 13th.  We encourage you to attend to ask questions and get a further understanding of why it is important to update the current existing covenants.  

Each home in Cherry Creek Vista South is currently operating under the original covenants that were adopted by the builder in the 1970’s. Passing or Not passing this set of revised covenants will not cancel the existing covenants nor will it dismantle the existing HOA. The HOA for Cherry Creek Vista South has always been in existence since the creation of the neighborhood. The HOA is a completely volunteer (non-paid) board. Our objective is to support all home owners to ensure that your home and property retain their value and do whatever we can to support that. The current HOA Dues are $35.00 per year. We attempt to try and create community & collaborative events in order to further strengthen the wonderful CCVS community that we all enjoy. While a vast majority of homeowners take excellent care of their property and are great neighbors, we have been experiencing more serious violations with a few select houses. Some of the more notable situations include marijuana grow operation houses, tenant rentals issues with an increase in rentals and a few homes with serious exterior neglect.  In the past two years the HOA has worked with many residents to resolve over 100 complaints by neighbors or violations. However, we are fully aware that some of the out dated covenants hold little weight against some of these more serious violations. We have your best interests in mind and want to continue to sustain our great CCVS neighborhood. That is why we ask your support and vote YES to modernize your current covenants.

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA