Welcome to the Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Website!

This is the Cherry Creek Vista South BLOG site (Cherry Creek Vista South Website is at http://ccvshoa.com)
provided by the Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner's Association. This Blog site is set up to provide information to the neighborhood pertaining to community events, meetings and general information. Please feel free to contact us with your neighborhood events, announcements, links, etc. that you would like to have listed here or placed on the Calendar. We appreciate your support!

UPDATES: On the main page, you will find a list of updates to keep everyone informed about what is going on. The updates are tagged with labels so that you can sort them accordingly. Feel free to add comments to any update. You can also use the icons below an update to email a friend or feed your own pages. You can also subscribe to our updates to receive notifications when updates are added or modified.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Movie Night Vote

It has come to our attention that Walt Disney Productions has announced restrictions for outside showings for the months of July and August.  What this means is that we cannot show any Walt Disney movies for our scheduled Movie Night on Saturday August 17th at Orchard Park (behind CCVS pool and to the east of Cottonwood Creek Elementary).
Please note the new selections of movies that are available.  If you are interesting in casting a vote for one of the available movies, please: 
1.      Go to www.ccvshoa.com  

2.      Choose one of the four listed movies on the right hand side of the page

3.      Cast your vote

Voting begins today and will close on Monday July 15 at 9:00 pm. 
Thank you,