Welcome to the Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Website!

This is the Cherry Creek Vista South BLOG site (Cherry Creek Vista South Website is at http://ccvshoa.com)
provided by the Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner's Association. This Blog site is set up to provide information to the neighborhood pertaining to community events, meetings and general information. Please feel free to contact us with your neighborhood events, announcements, links, etc. that you would like to have listed here or placed on the Calendar. We appreciate your support!

UPDATES: On the main page, you will find a list of updates to keep everyone informed about what is going on. The updates are tagged with labels so that you can sort them accordingly. Feel free to add comments to any update. You can also use the icons below an update to email a friend or feed your own pages. You can also subscribe to our updates to receive notifications when updates are added or modified.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Cottonwood Creek Elementary - Veteran’s Day Patriotic Program - Monday, November 11th 2:30 pm

Veteran’s Day, Monday, November 11th     
All Veterans and active military are invited to attend a Patriotic program performed by the Cottonwood Creek Choir. The afternoon performance is at 2:30 and the entire school will take part in recognizing our neighbors, family, and friends who are Veterans and active military. Please come join us as we celebrate those who serve our country. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Meetings

Dear Fellow CCVS Homeowner,

As you may have read in a previous communication from the Cherry Creek Vista South (CCVS) HOA board, we are currently reviewing options for changes to the structure of our HOA to improve the way in which we support our neighborhood through community building activities and the way in which we manage our protective covenants.  At our board meeting earlier in September we had a handful of neighbors join us for a conversation on this topic.  What we heard from these neighbors was that we needed to (1) more clearly articulate the issues facing our HOA and proposals for changes to address these issues and (2) open this discussion to a broader set of neighbors for input.  This letter is a start to addressing the first request and we plan to organize a series of meetings to address the second request (more on the dates and times later in this letter).

To help you understand the impetus for the changes we are proposing, we think it is important to give a brief description of how our HOA works and some of the challenges it faces.

  • The regulatory environment in which we operate has changed – New HOA regulation put forth by the Colorado DORA (Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies) has presented Colorado HOA boards with new challenges regarding the administration of property and covenant management.   We are still reviewing the new regulations and how they affect us.
  • Our covenants are not consistent – The HOA represents seven distinct filings on record in the Arapahoe county land book.  While there are many similarities in the various covenants in place for these filings, they are not entirely consistent.  This lack of consistency makes managing these covenants very difficult.
  • Our HOA board is a volunteer group with no professional management support – Our board is made up of volunteers from our neighborhood representative.  As such, we lack consistency over time in the way our HOA affairs are managed as the board turns over.
  • We lack the tools to effectively communicate with the neighborhood – Consistent and effective communication from the HOA board to the neighborhood is difficult given the limited tools we have.  This leads to a perceived lack of transparency and limited engagement with the HOA.
To address the issues outlined above we are proposing the following broad changes to the way in which the HOA operates going forward:

  • Consolidate and create a consistent set of covenants across the seven filings to enable more efficient and effective management of covenants in our neighborhood
  • Engage a professional property management company on a permanent basis (one has been retained on a test basis this year) to drive consistent management of these covenants and to improve communications with the community
  • Increase HOA revenue to cover the cost of engaging the property management company while continuing community building activities

To further work through the details of these changes and to make sure we incorporate input from a broader representation of our neighbors, we will be holding three “discussion sessions” and invite any CCVS HOA dues paying members to join us at these sessions.  We will be holding these sessions on the next three Wednesday or Thursday evenings of October 9th, 17th and 23rd at the Starbucks on Arapahoe and Clinton (Northeast corner, in the Home Depot Parking lot) from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.  During these sessions members of the HOA board will be present to discuss further details solicit input for crafting the final solution we will take to the residents in our neighborhood for a formal vote.  Please join us for one of these sessions and help to spread the word so we can get as much input as possible.

Lastly, in preparation for these discussion sessions, we have posted on our website at www.CCVSHOA.com a copy of the existing covenants for the seven filings with a summary of the differences among those filings and a copy of the proposed new covenants.  Please review in advance of the discussion session you intend to attend.


The CCVS HOA Board

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Upcoming HOA Board Meeting - Wednesday Sept. 11th

Dear Cherry Creek Vista South Neighbor,
We will be holding our next HOA board meeting is this Wednesday, September 11 at Cottonwood Creek elementary.  During this board meeting we will be discussing potential changes to our HOA bylaws.
Specifically, we will be discussing alternatives for altering our community covenants.  We have found the protective covenants we have in our neighborhood are not consistent across filings and as such are difficult to manage and enforce.  In order to make enforcing these covenants more efficient and effective we will discuss creating one filing for all of the different filings in Cherry Creek Vista South homeowners Association. We will have a draft of the changes available at the meeting and will post these on our website subsequent to the meeting
In addition, the board has contracted on a trial basis with an outside property service to help with enforcement of our protective covenants.  To date we have been pleased with the results of using these services and believe it would valuable to engage in a full time contract with this company.  However, the ongoing cost to use such services exceeds our current annual budget from dues collected.  To be able to pay for these additional services we would need to raise are dues from the $25 annually that has been in place since the incorporation of the HOA. 
During this week’s meeting we are interesting in soliciting input from our fellow homeowners on the potential changes mentioned above.  Below are some of the potential changes we would like to discuss:
·      Creating mandatory dues
·      Establishing more clearly defined rules
·      Enabling better enforcement of the protective covenants
·      Incorporation of a group buy for garbage pickup that would result in a discounted price
Please join us at this upcoiming meetig if you would like to provide input or send us an e-mail at ccvistasouthhoa@gmail.com.


Monday, August 5, 2013

2013 Murphy Meet

Registration is now OPEN!
Click here to register
The 2nd Annual Murphy Meet
Saturday, August 24th
9:30 am – 1:30 pm
CCV Pool/Cottonwood Park
Kids adventure race, food, swimming, band performance,
silent auction, unicycle performance, face painting and
a visit from the local fire department!
 For more information visit www.murphymeet.weebly.com

If you would like to volunteer for this event click here

If links above do not work, go to  www.murphymeet.weebly.com to register and for more information

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Movie Night Vote

It has come to our attention that Walt Disney Productions has announced restrictions for outside showings for the months of July and August.  What this means is that we cannot show any Walt Disney movies for our scheduled Movie Night on Saturday August 17th at Orchard Park (behind CCVS pool and to the east of Cottonwood Creek Elementary).
Please note the new selections of movies that are available.  If you are interesting in casting a vote for one of the available movies, please: 
1.      Go to www.ccvshoa.com  

2.      Choose one of the four listed movies on the right hand side of the page

3.      Cast your vote

Voting begins today and will close on Monday July 15 at 9:00 pm. 
Thank you,

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Movie Night will be Saturday August 17th at Orchard Park (behind CCVS pool and to the east of Cottonwood Creek Elementary).  If you are interested in casting a vote for one of the available movies, please:
1.       Go to www.ccvshoa.com  
2.      Choose one of the four listed movies on the right hand side of the page
3.      Cast your vote
Voting begins today and will close on Friday June 28 at 9:00 pm. 
Thank you,

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Presents the Annual Neighborhood

When:  Sunday June 9th
Time:  8:30 – 10:30
Where:  Peakview Park, 6294 S Kenton Way
In addition to cooking breakfast for you and your family, ACE Hardware will present information on “how-to” take care of your yard, trees and shrubs in a summer drought season.  They will also offer suggestions on “how-to” control the lovely bugs that will be in abundance this year in our area. 
As a general reminder, The Yard-of-the-Month program will be kicking off after the Pancake Breakfast. 
We certainly hope to see you on June 9th!
This event is For Residents of Cherry Creek Vista South who have paid their 2013 CCVSHOA dues.
IF you have not paid your 2013 dues and wish to participate, you can bring it to the event or pay via PAYPAL at www.ccvshoa.com before June 8.th.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fellow Neighbors,

This Wednesday evening, May 8th at 7:00 pm at Cottonwood Creek Elementary we will be having our bi-monthly HOA board meeting.  We welcome all interested residents to join us for this meeting.

In addition to the normal agenda we will be discussing the recent zoning variance posted at the house at 6128 S. Iola Way.  If you are interested in this discussing this topic with the board please join us before the board meeting at 6:30 pm at the same location.


Tyler McPherson-Wiman
President, Cherry Creek Vista South HOA

Monday, April 29, 2013

High Plains Elementary School
5k and 1M Fun Run & Post-race Festival
Saturday, May 18th 2013
Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowners,
High Plains Elementary School continues to prioritize physical fitness and encourage kids in motion.  We are excited to host our 3rd annual 5k and 1M Fun Run and Post-race Festival on Saturday, May 18th from 8-11a.m.  This run, while providing motivation to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and improve general fitness, also funds many activities and improvements for our school.  We appreciate the support of all High Plains families and our community for supporting our fun day!
The race will begin and end at High Plains and will go through portions of the Cherry Creek Farm, Orchard Gate, and Arapahoe Lakes neighborhoods.  If you would like to be a course volunteer and get a special volunteer t-shirt, please email me at: aimeeyoungblood1@gmail.com. 
We would also like to invite all community members to run in the race as well as to attend the Post-race Festival!  Please visit our website at: www.highplainsfunrunorg for more information about the run, course, and registration details.    
Race Information:
·         Saturday, May 18th
·         5k: 8:30a.m.     1M: 9:00a.m.    Post-race Festival: 9-11a.m.
·         Registration fee:  $20:adult, $18:child(age4-18-marathon challenge), $16:child(age4-18), Free: child 3&under
·         Registration includes a race t-shirt (if registered by May 6th), goody bag, and post-race festival full of food, games, activities, and more!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA
Spring Cleaning Days
April 27th   8:30-12:00
5984 S Iola Way

For Residents of Cherry Creek Vista South who have paid their 2013 CCVSHOA Dues.
IF you have not paid your 2013 dues and wish to participate, you can bring it to the event or pay via PAYPAL at www.ccvshoa.com before April 25.th.
This is a service that is provided with your payment of your dues to the CCVSHOA.
In Addition to collecting items to be discarded, we will also be recycling Metal items, Electronics and Batteries.  No propane tanks, appliances, computer monitors or TV’s will be accepted.
Any Paints, household chemicals or Oils, you will need to contact Arapahoe County at 1-800-449-7587 and they will help you dispose of those items.
Any special items, please contact the HOA at  ccvistasouthhoa@gmail.com and we will help direct you where to  dispose of  it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Please see below important notice regarding Cherry Creek Parks and Recreation District tennis courts.


Want to play tennis this summer?

Before you head out to play some tennis, be sure to check our new CCPRD Online Schedule to see which courts are available.  The CCPRD Schedule will track USTA league match play and lessons scheduled on the 3 CCPRD sets of courts: CCV - next door to the CCV Pool, Sunset Park, Peakview Park.  Keep in mind, all other tennis activity is first come, first serve.  The schedule can be found here: http://www.ccvprd.org/tennis.php

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2013 HOA Dues Letter Correction

Fellow Neighbors,

It was brought to my attention that I posted our old website address with our annual dues letter.  With most browsers you'll be automatically redirected to the new web-site and should have no problems.  However, with some browsers this is not the case.  The correct website for the Cherry Creek Vista South HOA is as follows:


Please go to this website and click on the 'Pay Now' Paypal link on the right side of the home page to pay your annual dues.  Thanks and sorry for any confusion this may have caused.


Tyler McPherson-Wiman
President, Cherry Creek Vista South HOA

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2013 HOA Dues

Dear Neighbor,
As the economy begins to recover, we all want to enhance our investments and few investments are larger than our homes.  One important way to protect your investment is through the continued support of your neighborhood homeowners’ association (HOA).
The Cherry Creek Vista South HOA uses contributions to protect your investment through on-going efforts including:

            - Landscape maintenance
            - Covenant control
            - Architectural review and
      - Assisting with various concerns such as noise from Centennial Airport.

We also build a sense of community by organizing popular activities such as the:

            - Annual Pancake Breakfast (tentatively scheduled for 6/9)
- Annual movie Night at the Park and (tentatively scheduled for 8/18)
- Dumpster Days (tentatively scheduled for 4/12)

Additionally, the HOA makes improvements to our neighborhood when financially possible. In 2011 the HOA improved the entrance at Havana and Maplewood with new signage, lights, and plantings.
With your support, the HOA hopes to undertake additional improvements/events going forward such as improving lighting and signage at all entrances, additional landscaping and maintenance and putting on additional events.

The best news of all is that our HOA does this with a small contribution of $25 per year from homeowners such as you.  Make your $25 contribution to your neighborhood HOA today. You can:

 - Mail your check in using the enclosed invoice or
 - Visit our website at www.ccvshoa.com to pay via PayPal.

Remember, home buyers look for well maintained neighborhoods. Keep your investment sound. Contribute to your HOA today.
Tyler Mcpherson-Wiman
President, Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowners Association
Please mail Invoice to CCVS HOA 8547 E. Arapahoe Rd., #J503, Greenwood Village, CO 80112-1436 with check made payable to Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowners Association