Welcome to the Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Website!

This is the Cherry Creek Vista South BLOG site (Cherry Creek Vista South Website is at http://ccvshoa.com)
provided by the Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner's Association. This Blog site is set up to provide information to the neighborhood pertaining to community events, meetings and general information. Please feel free to contact us with your neighborhood events, announcements, links, etc. that you would like to have listed here or placed on the Calendar. We appreciate your support!

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Meetings

Dear Fellow CCVS Homeowner,

As you may have read in a previous communication from the Cherry Creek Vista South (CCVS) HOA board, we are currently reviewing options for changes to the structure of our HOA to improve the way in which we support our neighborhood through community building activities and the way in which we manage our protective covenants.  At our board meeting earlier in September we had a handful of neighbors join us for a conversation on this topic.  What we heard from these neighbors was that we needed to (1) more clearly articulate the issues facing our HOA and proposals for changes to address these issues and (2) open this discussion to a broader set of neighbors for input.  This letter is a start to addressing the first request and we plan to organize a series of meetings to address the second request (more on the dates and times later in this letter).

To help you understand the impetus for the changes we are proposing, we think it is important to give a brief description of how our HOA works and some of the challenges it faces.

  • The regulatory environment in which we operate has changed – New HOA regulation put forth by the Colorado DORA (Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies) has presented Colorado HOA boards with new challenges regarding the administration of property and covenant management.   We are still reviewing the new regulations and how they affect us.
  • Our covenants are not consistent – The HOA represents seven distinct filings on record in the Arapahoe county land book.  While there are many similarities in the various covenants in place for these filings, they are not entirely consistent.  This lack of consistency makes managing these covenants very difficult.
  • Our HOA board is a volunteer group with no professional management support – Our board is made up of volunteers from our neighborhood representative.  As such, we lack consistency over time in the way our HOA affairs are managed as the board turns over.
  • We lack the tools to effectively communicate with the neighborhood – Consistent and effective communication from the HOA board to the neighborhood is difficult given the limited tools we have.  This leads to a perceived lack of transparency and limited engagement with the HOA.
To address the issues outlined above we are proposing the following broad changes to the way in which the HOA operates going forward:

  • Consolidate and create a consistent set of covenants across the seven filings to enable more efficient and effective management of covenants in our neighborhood
  • Engage a professional property management company on a permanent basis (one has been retained on a test basis this year) to drive consistent management of these covenants and to improve communications with the community
  • Increase HOA revenue to cover the cost of engaging the property management company while continuing community building activities

To further work through the details of these changes and to make sure we incorporate input from a broader representation of our neighbors, we will be holding three “discussion sessions” and invite any CCVS HOA dues paying members to join us at these sessions.  We will be holding these sessions on the next three Wednesday or Thursday evenings of October 9th, 17th and 23rd at the Starbucks on Arapahoe and Clinton (Northeast corner, in the Home Depot Parking lot) from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.  During these sessions members of the HOA board will be present to discuss further details solicit input for crafting the final solution we will take to the residents in our neighborhood for a formal vote.  Please join us for one of these sessions and help to spread the word so we can get as much input as possible.

Lastly, in preparation for these discussion sessions, we have posted on our website at www.CCVSHOA.com a copy of the existing covenants for the seven filings with a summary of the differences among those filings and a copy of the proposed new covenants.  Please review in advance of the discussion session you intend to attend.


The CCVS HOA Board