Dear Cherry Creek Vista South Neighbor,
We will be holding our next HOA board meeting is
this Wednesday, September 11 at Cottonwood Creek elementary. During this board meeting we will be
discussing potential changes to our HOA bylaws.
Specifically, we will be discussing alternatives
for altering our community covenants. We
have found the protective covenants we have in our neighborhood are not
consistent across filings and as such are difficult to manage and enforce. In order to make enforcing these covenants
more efficient and effective we will discuss creating one filing for all of the
different filings in Cherry Creek Vista South homeowners Association. We will
have a draft of the changes available at the meeting and will post these on our
website subsequent to the meeting
In addition,
the board has contracted on a trial basis with an outside property service to
help with enforcement of our protective covenants. To date we have been pleased with the results
of using these services and believe it would valuable to engage in a full time
contract with this company. However, the
ongoing cost to use such services exceeds our current annual budget from dues
collected. To be able to pay for these
additional services we would need to raise are dues from the $25 annually that
has been in place since the incorporation of the HOA.
During this
week’s meeting we are interesting in soliciting input from our fellow
homeowners on the potential changes mentioned above. Below are some of the potential changes we
would like to discuss:
mandatory dues
more clearly defined rules
better enforcement of the protective covenants
of a group buy for garbage pickup that would result in a discounted price
Please join us at this upcoiming meetig if
you would like to provide input or send us an e-mail at