Welcome to the Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Website!

This is the Cherry Creek Vista South BLOG site (Cherry Creek Vista South Website is at http://ccvshoa.com)
provided by the Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner's Association. This Blog site is set up to provide information to the neighborhood pertaining to community events, meetings and general information. Please feel free to contact us with your neighborhood events, announcements, links, etc. that you would like to have listed here or placed on the Calendar. We appreciate your support!

UPDATES: On the main page, you will find a list of updates to keep everyone informed about what is going on. The updates are tagged with labels so that you can sort them accordingly. Feel free to add comments to any update. You can also use the icons below an update to email a friend or feed your own pages. You can also subscribe to our updates to receive notifications when updates are added or modified.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Presents the Annual Neighborhood

When:  Sunday June 9th
Time:  8:30 – 10:30
Where:  Peakview Park, 6294 S Kenton Way
In addition to cooking breakfast for you and your family, ACE Hardware will present information on “how-to” take care of your yard, trees and shrubs in a summer drought season.  They will also offer suggestions on “how-to” control the lovely bugs that will be in abundance this year in our area. 
As a general reminder, The Yard-of-the-Month program will be kicking off after the Pancake Breakfast. 
We certainly hope to see you on June 9th!
This event is For Residents of Cherry Creek Vista South who have paid their 2013 CCVSHOA dues.
IF you have not paid your 2013 dues and wish to participate, you can bring it to the event or pay via PAYPAL at www.ccvshoa.com before June 8.th.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fellow Neighbors,

This Wednesday evening, May 8th at 7:00 pm at Cottonwood Creek Elementary we will be having our bi-monthly HOA board meeting.  We welcome all interested residents to join us for this meeting.

In addition to the normal agenda we will be discussing the recent zoning variance posted at the house at 6128 S. Iola Way.  If you are interested in this discussing this topic with the board please join us before the board meeting at 6:30 pm at the same location.


Tyler McPherson-Wiman
President, Cherry Creek Vista South HOA