5k and 1M Fun Run & Post-race
Saturday, May 18th 2013
Cherry Creek
Vista South Homeowners,
High Plains
Elementary School continues to prioritize physical fitness and encourage kids
in motion. We are excited to host our 3rd
annual 5k and 1M Fun Run and Post-race Festival on Saturday, May 18th
from 8-11a.m. This run, while providing
motivation to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and improve general fitness, also
funds many activities and improvements for our school. We appreciate the support of all High Plains
families and our community for supporting our fun day!
The race
will begin and end at High Plains and will go through portions of the Cherry
Creek Farm, Orchard Gate, and Arapahoe Lakes neighborhoods. If you would like to be a course volunteer
and get a special volunteer t-shirt, please email me at: aimeeyoungblood1@gmail.com.
We would
also like to invite all community members to run in the race as well as to
attend the Post-race Festival! Please
visit our website at: www.highplainsfunrunorg for more information about the run,
course, and registration details.
May 18th
8:30a.m. 1M: 9:00a.m. Post-race Festival: 9-11a.m.
fee: $20:adult, $18:child(age4-18-marathon
challenge), $16:child(age4-18), Free: child 3&under
includes a race t-shirt (if registered by May 6th), goody bag, and post-race
festival full of food, games, activities, and more!