Welcome to the Cherry Creek Vista South HOA Website!

This is the Cherry Creek Vista South BLOG site (Cherry Creek Vista South Website is at http://ccvshoa.com)
provided by the Cherry Creek Vista South Homeowner's Association. This Blog site is set up to provide information to the neighborhood pertaining to community events, meetings and general information. Please feel free to contact us with your neighborhood events, announcements, links, etc. that you would like to have listed here or placed on the Calendar. We appreciate your support!

UPDATES: On the main page, you will find a list of updates to keep everyone informed about what is going on. The updates are tagged with labels so that you can sort them accordingly. Feel free to add comments to any update. You can also use the icons below an update to email a friend or feed your own pages. You can also subscribe to our updates to receive notifications when updates are added or modified.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Community Concerns About Medical Marijuana Growing Facilities

Sorry for the short notice on this...We've recieved quite an education this morning on an issue that few are talking about...the ability to turn a home in Araphoe County into a Marijuana Growing Facility...and many might be appaled to know that the sheriff can't do anything about it under current law.

There is a meeting next week where the county will be hearing concerns to be able to make a recommendation on incorporating new laws around this topic...I wanted to get the word out - so, please spread the word about this meeting - as it appears that usually only proponents for this type of growing effort attend these county meetings - we want to get the other side heard too!

I would suggest that you all go to the Planning Commission Meeting on Feb 1 to express your concerns. The Planning Commission will forward their recommendations to us. The information on the meeting date and time is below. Land Use considerations for Medical Marijuana is the 3rd item on the agenda. This issue is currently scheduled to be before the Board of County Commissioners on March 1.

DATE AND TIME: February 1, 2011 6:30 pm
Public Works and Development
10730 E. Briarwood Avenue, suite 100 - Arapahoe Room
Centennial, CO 80112

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Upcoming Board Meeting and Elections

As mentioned in the December 15th post and on the community signage, the annual budget board meeting and elections are tonight. Please click here for the agenda. Meeting minutes from the last Board meeting can be found by clicking here.

Hopefully we will see you tonight!

**Great meeting last night - click here for the minutes**