Service is free for residents that are current members of Cherry Creek Vista South HOA
Membership must be current for 2009; if you have not already paid your dues, please pay online at paypal or bring a check for $25 to the event.
6028 S Kenton Street - MAP
This location is in front of private residence in CCVSHOA
We will take all items that are accepted in your regular trash.
Electronics: Computers, printers, phones, and small electronics - Eagle will remove at no charge.
1. TV’s and CRT monitors will not be accepted
Best Buy is now offering to take these items (smaller that 32”) for a $10.00 fee. They will then issue you a gift card to Best Buy for $10.00. The net cost is $0 for recycling. Go to http://www.bestbuy.com/ for more info.
A1 Recycling will also take TVs, please refer to their website for more information.
2. Furniture and other items:
Please call your favorite charity and see if they would like some of the items as a donation or use an online service to give items away.
3. Hazardous materials including paint and oils.
Arapahoe County has a program with Denver Household Hazard to dispose of this material. For $20.00 they will ship a bag to your home. You fill the bag and they come and pick up the waste. Please call 1-800 449 7587 for more details.
4. Recycling Options for Cardboard and Telephone Books.
Shriners has locations throughout the Area South Metro Fire Rescue #31 5901 South Havana StreetDry Creek Elementary School 7686 East Hinsdale AvenueHomestead Elementary School 7451 Homestead Parkway